Dressing to impress for a New Year job interview

While the lead-up to Christmas and New Year's Eve is traditionally a flat period for jobseekers, by February the market tends to pick up and there opportunities out there for people keen on a change of scenery or looking to further their careers.

If a new job is on your 2012 wish list then it is time to start preparing for a crucial job interview that may present itself in the near future, assuming of course that you have been applying for interesting positions.

It is common knowledge that first impressions can be everything and this is certainly the case when trying to make your mark on a potential employer.

Yet some people still consistently fail to follow the basic rule of dressing to impress, which puts you in a stronger position when you arrive immaculately groomed and carrying an air of confidence and attention to detail.

This is not a time to take large fashion risks - keep it simple with a quality suit and a work tie that complements the colour of your jacket and shirt.

Bold colours or patterns can be effective as long as they are carefully chosen to avoid being too over the top.

By owning a decent variety of ties you will always be able to select one that you feel fits the corporate image of the company you are applying to.
