Lodge Cufflinks for Freemasons

Cufflinks, as the name implies, were first used to secure double cuffs, to link the two cuffs together. The earliest known design consisted of a simple knot, usually made from colored silk, secured with a stringed loop. With time, the design of cufflinks became more sophisticated, developing into a piece of jewelry for men. Depending on his budget, personal taste, or affiliation, the wearer of cufflinks has a wide variety of styles from which to choose. Most common materials for cufflink production include glass, gold/silver/or other precious metals, stones, sea shells, leather, etc.
The front face of cufflinks, typically illustrated with enamel, gemstones, or any other material used for decorative purposes, is commonly used to depict a crest or affiliation. Members of the Free Mason (known for their iconic emblem consisting of a square and compass), may enjoy wearing handsome cufflinks to the lodge, special occasions, even family gatherings.
There are many pieces of Masonic jewelry available for men; cufflinks, however, may be be one of the most popular choices for lodge members. Confirming sophistication and style, French cuffs are one of the most elegant pieces of clothing a man can wear. Displaying lodge cufflinks exemplifies the sense of brotherhood within the Freemasons.
As a general rule, Freemason Lodges do not provide jewelry to members; however, everyone who belongs is free to, if not encouraged, to make purchases on his own. Wearing lodge cufflinks is an easy way for members to identify their affiliation, display their obligation, while enjoying camaraderie to the brotherhood.
Wearing lodge cufflinks lets everyone know that the wearer is set apart from other men by his sincere desire, promise, oath, obligation, and word which confirm his loyalty and bond to the fraternity. Lodge cufflinks are actually a symbol of distinction.