Design Your Own Tie Online

You could have the best looking suit in the world and the whole look can be ruined by wearing the wrong tie. However, finding a tie that fits well with both your personal preferences and the specific suit that you're wearing can be a difficult task. You can look in your local store for hours and still not find anything that you really like. However, Ties 'N Cuffs has recently developed its own custom tie designer to help you design and create your own tie that is custom made to your preferences.
You can choose from many different styles, colours, shades and patterns that you can mix and match to create a tie that fits your style. Striped ties can also be made to have various colours selected in your preferred order. Not only that, but you can also add a logo to your tie if you want. If you'd like a tie that advertises your company, shows support for a certain charity or that holds a picture that is personal to you, you can easily add it to your tie if you upload a picture of the logo to the online designer.
The process is also very simple. The first step is to select the base design for your tie. There are numerous styles, colours and patterns available with more being added in the future. Next, select the colours for your tie. The ties have between two and three colours that can be modified. If you'd like to change the colour of a specific selection, choose one of the tabs labelled “colour 1,” “colour 2,” or “colour 3.”
After that, you can preview what your tie looks like so far by selecting the “preview” tab.
If you have a logo that you'd like to place on your tie, you can add that to the design next. Simply upload the picture that you want to use and preview the final result. Once that's done, you can send in your design to Ties 'N Cuffs and your custom-made tie will soon be made and shipped to you.