Travel Safe With Custom Luggage Tags

Did you know? Luggage tags are the reason why 97% of all lost bags are found and returned to their respective owners!
Custom luggage tags guarantee a worry-free flight— before, during, and even after travels. As we all know, nothing is scarier than losing your luggage right after making it out of the plane.
Good thing we have custom luggage tags in Australia which make travels easy and hassle-free since misplaced luggage bags are no longer a problem thanks to this identification product.
They help the airline crew determine which among the luggage is yours, giving no room for confusion. You can be happily reunited with your lost bags again without a hitch!
That’s why custom luggage tags are truly important. If you’re interested to know more of the convenience it brings, buckle up and stick with us as we provide you cutting-edge guidelines that will explain why custom luggage tags are a must for your safe travel escapade. Enjoy!
What are custom luggage tags?
Whenever you travel by trains, planes, or ships, custom luggage tags will always be there to act as an identification card to help you easily find your stuff at the baggage carousel, to serve as proof— ensuring no stolen issues flare up, and most of all, to track missing belongings.
It, therefore, makes traveling efficient. You no longer have to be on edge all the time because the chances of having your luggage bags reaching the wrong destination are slim to none.
Way back in 1882, luggage tags were called “baggage checks”. So how did modern luggage tags come to be?
Back in the early years where people had to board on traditional ships to reach their destinations, modern luggage tags weren’t a thing. Instead, they made use of “paper tags”. However, its primary purpose wasn’t for baggage identification. They were mostly used for ads and social class division.
Fast forward to an age where flight travels were slowly rising to fame, luggage tags were rarely used because the belongings were often directly transported from the car into the plane. Yet sooner or later, the demand for aviation trips increased, they had to create their own line of identification cards because the chauffeurs couldn’t keep up.
So by 1992, paper tags transformed into digitally printed ones. The evolution continued until we now have the modern and sleek luggage tags that contain barcodes for automated scanning and are even customisable to boot!
Benefits of Custom Luggage Tags
Custom luggage tags bring so much convenience to your travels! Why?
- One of a kind – finding your baggage can be challenging. Imagine having to look for it among a horde of bags, it’s no easy feat! Plain luggage tags that are commonly used by many will make it harder for you to spot the right stuff you own.
Custom luggage tags will solve this plight. Have it personally costumised to make it easier to see. Make the colors vibrant or design it uniquely, making it one of a kind.
This will not only make it faster to get spotted, but it also stands out in the coolest way possible!
- Durability at its finest – compared to the paper tickets in the olden days, luggage tags don’t rip easily. They’re durable and are not feeble.
Not all baggage agents are careful when loading and unloading your stuff so it’s best to pick luggage tags that are made from plastics, leather, or metal that will hold up throughout unfriendly weathers, and security and baggage agents.
- Readable – Your name and other appropriate details are important in luggage tags for easy tracking. Ensure that this information is readable and clear to avoid future problems.
How to Pick the Right Custom Luggage Tags?
Design matters! Your luggage tags should be sturdy and aesthetic at the same time.
Language tags can be used for various applications so make sure you decide what features you want and then narrow it down to your favorite design.
Afterward, pick the quality of material you want your tags to be made out of. Materials can range from plastic and leather to vegan leather.
Finally, be specific about your final design. You can make it vibrant or simple, elegant and classy, colorful or minimalistic — freely enhance and show off your unique personality through customised luggage tags.
Vital Information to Put in Your Custom Luggage Tag
Although details are important to easily locate your bags, avoid oversharing:
- first and last name
- email address
- contact number
- unfiltered selfie
- home address (TIP: unless you don’t want to find your house burglarized, only input your work address for security purposes.)
- card numbers
Place your Custom Luggage Tags in…
Carry-on baggage will often find itself being stored away in the overhead bin or from your seat. So luggage tags will be helpful in the identification process.
Checked luggage identification will become more efficient and effective if you place the tags inside and outside of your baggage in case the external tag gets damaged.
Keeping your Luggage Safe
Did you know? When aviation companies fail to return the lost baggage to their owners, they commonly sell them to auction houses.
To avoid such a dilemma, here are ways you can practice to keep your luggage safe and sound:
- ensure you have tags inside and outside your baggage
- take a picture of the content of your luggage
- place important things in your carry-on
- use a lock
- utilise digital tools to track your bag
- get rid of old tags from your past travels
- immediately inform the airline if your belongings are lost
- encase your business card inside your luggage
- check your luggage in on time
- review airport tag for accuracy
The Bottom Line
Only 3% of all bags are stolen or lost, thanks to luggage tags, while 99% of lost bags with luggage tags are returned to their owners. What a successful feat from this miniature sized-product!
Custom luggage tags are superbly useful. So, what are you waiting for? If you want to oomph your travel escapades and experience a safe trip, consider having a customised luggage tag that will ignite that traveler within you!