Staff appearance 'brands your organisation'

It is fair to say that in uncertain economic times, businesses are likely to be looking for any advantage they can gain over their competitors.
For brands that place a strong emphasis on public image and face-to-face meetings with industry contacts, the appearance of its senior staff can prove vital.
With all other factors between two competing companies equal, a prospective client will invariably choose the one with the best-attired and most professional representatives.
"It stands to measure that if someone cares about themselves, they're going to care about their work," says Women's Network Australia managing director Lynette Palmen.
Individuals make a decision about a new person within eight seconds of meeting of them, the business networking expert told News Limited today (January 25).
"How your staff look is a branding of an organisation," Palmen added.
With this in mind it might be a good idea for employers to provide staff with executive gifts - such as tailored ties, sterling cufflinks or ladies accessories - and encourage them to always appear at their best when representing the brand.