Customer Testimonals

Hear What the People Who Matter the Most Think...

Just wanted to say Thanks to Tiesncuffs for your great products and excellent service. The photo cuffs were a real hit, and the perfect pressie for a proud Dad. I was also nicely surprised by how fast they arrived - couldn't believe it actually. The best thing though is other people's reactions when they see them - "Where did you get them?" 
- Joanne from Carlton South, 25th of June 2012

The order arrived by mail just as you had advised. Not only the great price and great product but also one of the easiest purchases I have made in recent times. Some on line sites are just too hard and take too long. I have bookmarked your site for later reference (plus I have passed it on to some friends). Looking forward to more purchases with your company. 
- Robert from Dalveen, 20th of June 2012

This was my second purchase of cufflinks from you guys (personalised letters this time and AFL and EPL logo cufflinks previously). On both occasions Ive been delighted with your competitive prices, first rate quality and fast turnaround. If only every other buying experience matched the service you guys offer then life would be great. Many thanks. 
- John, Brighton VIC 15th January 2012

After visiting some less than useful sites looking for cufflinks, I was pleased to come across Ties'n'Cuffs. The site was very easy to use, with a nice selection of cufflinks and ties at good prices. The customer service was excellent and the follow-up emails and prompt delivery via Express Post of the well packaged goods was very much appreciated. Well done guys. 
- John from Abbotsford, NSW